Friday, May 14, 2010

Dealing with dcotors

As I have written I have EDS and tis very painful, but I also have a metal allergy as well.So as fate would have it, before I knew about EDS i had a kidney operation, and lets just say they put a hell of a lot of metal in me to hold the kidney together. Over time I would have bad pains, but just brush them off.........until the pain got worse. I went to the ER swearing gallbladder or something in the area land lord came in the apartment and I was naked on the floor in a ball unable to move. Finally got to the hospital and the doctors did all their tests and said " you are in perfect health." I was angry sad and mad. That summer I had an ankle operation.....they used metal.........the area never healed until, they took the metal out. Later I had another operation, and I warned them that I think I am allergic to metal..........but of course they laughed and in went the screw...........3 months later screw came out and I healed. So at this pint I do not know what to do.........if a doc does do the operation the whole kidney goes..........but these attacks are becoming worse. Please advise or send cat nip.......meow!!

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